
Watching KrisTV hoping to learn more about Woo Galbi, my favorite Korean resto in  Shang. But what do you know, Sam and Enchong are being interviewed while a couple are sharing a table with them, one of them   apparently bored. When oh when will the show finally separate showbiz people from non-showbiz ones, thereby being kinder to the latter?


Nuisance candidates – 20 signed up to be presidential candidates yesterday. Oh what fun. Just kidding. but this brings to mind an old man I used to see in my father’s gasoline station. He’d come in to chat while his car was being gassed up, garbed in a white long sleeves polo, white pants and a white fedora. Oh, and his shirt was tucked in and his pants held up by a brown belt. Very dignified. But every time there were presidential elections, his name would be among the candidates. I can’t recall now how many votes he’d get each time but certainly it was never zero. He owned a small subdivision in our part of the world. And he had more than one family. In fact one of them was that of our cook’s sister. I think he did provide for them somehow because one of the daughters had a store in Quiapo. And his daughters by them were fair and tall. Occasionally, our cook would bring over his granddaughter/s to stay in our house during summer. They were really pretty, doll-like and the type who were made to join special processions during fiestas. We’ve since lost touch. We were of grade school age then. One of them was Marivic – very smooth complexion and whose mom was Baby, the other was Marilou whose mom’s name I cannot remember.


Strike while the iron is hot. Maine Mendoza now has five commercials, I think: Zonrox, O+, McDo, Talk & Text, 555 sardines, Of these, Alden is in two with her, she’s with Wally aka Lola Nidora in one, and solo in two.

Is Alden losing out? I don’t think so. Last Sunday, I saw in a stall outside Pepper Lunch that he was #1 in record sales, or should that be CD sales?


At UP Town, we did the groceries first before anything else and it was a very wrong decision. First, son let us down in front of Mercado’s driveway and the guard asked husband what he was bringing down the ramp. Husband pointed to me. Hahaha, I wonder what he thought “it” was.

Then while husband and I shopped, son parked the car. So far away that by the time he arrived, we were near done!!! And unthinkingly, we bought stuff that couldn’t be lugged around in the mall because of their weight. So son had to walk back to the parked car to store the groceries. Grrrr… I’ll never be as thoughtless next time.

While son was bringing the groceries to the car, husband and I went up to the second floor where elevator man said there were many restos. Before choosing one, we passed by Birkenstock. Unfortunately its biggest size is 44, husband wears a 46. So it’s back to Amazon if he decides he needs a new pair.

And get this: shoelaces are not sold in shoe stores. Then we chanced upon Grind that sells shoes. Again no shoe laces. Exasperated, I asked, “so where can we get shoe laces?” Planet Sports, he said. Indeed there they were except that husband’s shoes which needed new shoelaces are the leather type, ergo fewer holes. I mentioned Wellworth but I think husband was scared looking for shoelaces there would lead to this, that and whatever. So he ignored me…. but I was just trying to be helpful (tee hee hee).

While waiting for son, husband and I finally decided on Pepper Lunch. Earlier I mentioned Ramen Nagi but again he ignored me. So, PL it was.

Though my taste buds haven’t yet gone back to normal, I couldn’t resist the rib eye steak. Comes with rice, veggies and mashed potato. I had that billed using my PWD for a discount. And got it. Son ordered salmon, husband yakiniku. Our orders were taken outside where there was a big group ahead of us. So I asked husband if son and I could leave him and go around. Went to Cath Kidston.

I made my first CK purchase (all my CK treasures are from TPS). For gifting. Sale kasi. From P700 plus, their (set of 2) price was down to P400 plus. Was thinking of getting a bag for the GF but son said it was too small. Indeed it was – a tiny back pack. The bigger one cost more plus it was in blue, I preferred the pink one. As we were about to leave, I saw that there were other ballerina themed stuff – mugs, etc. Was going to get one when the sales lady said “Pang baby yan” – a drinking cup with a spoon. Son said she’d like it but I said it might send the wrong signal – that I’m in a rush for an apo. Speaking of apo, there’s one due soon c/o my sister’s daughter. And another early next year, c/o another sister’s son.

What fun.

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